Benvinguts al Vostre Blog

Hem pensat que era hora d’unir-nos tots els que ens dediquem a ensenyar ANGLÉS professionalment. L’objectiu és que puguem intercanviar experiències i materials i formar-nos. Volem convertir-nos en un punt de trobada dels professionals de l’anglés i organitzar jornades, xarrades i seminaris. Volem ser la veu dels professionals de l'anglés i col·laborar amb tots els relacionats amb l'anglés i amb l'administració educativa i que se’ns tinga en compte com a interlocutors a l'hora de prendre decisions.

An association to unite us all who teach English professionally has been created. The aim is to share experiences, exchange materials and encourage further training with conferences, lectures and debates and ultimately become the voice of teachers of English and liaise with all those involved and especially with our educational authority.

Monday, 3 November 2014



Registration desk
On the 25th October APAVAC held their first meeting in Castelló. Fifty-five colleagues attended, getting all kind of information about the origins, aims and everyday life of our association.

A taste of  APAVAC 
People attending could ask about what we do and suggested  improvements they thought positive.

CEFIRE Castelló
The meeting took place in CEFIRE Castelló thanks to the support beyond the call of duty of asesora Sarah Bagant who made us feel  at home. 

Richard Brown's tal

After the presentation , there was a talk by our APAVAC man in Castelló , teacher trainer Richard Brown whose “Firm foundations, fast feedback and new frontiers”  inspired all those present .

Our coffee-break team hard at work

During the coffee break people went on sharing points of view, getting to know each other and also getting a closer view of the association.

Finally, we enjoyed a workshop by Rafael Casaní Martinez, also teacher and active member, in which we all took part in a pub quiz while learning how to prepare an activity like this for our classes.

At the end of the morning there was a raffle draw and then a group of people had lunch together as a perfect ending to the morning.

All in all the morning turned out to be very interesting, satisfying and rewarding.

A huge thank you, Castelló !!
Looking forward to our next event there !