Benvinguts al Vostre Blog

Hem pensat que era hora d’unir-nos tots els que ens dediquem a ensenyar ANGLÉS professionalment. L’objectiu és que puguem intercanviar experiències i materials i formar-nos. Volem convertir-nos en un punt de trobada dels professionals de l’anglés i organitzar jornades, xarrades i seminaris. Volem ser la veu dels professionals de l'anglés i col·laborar amb tots els relacionats amb l'anglés i amb l'administració educativa i que se’ns tinga en compte com a interlocutors a l'hora de prendre decisions.

An association to unite us all who teach English professionally has been created. The aim is to share experiences, exchange materials and encourage further training with conferences, lectures and debates and ultimately become the voice of teachers of English and liaise with all those involved and especially with our educational authority.

Friday 31 May 2013

As sent by our friend Bob Yareham; "How to Write Good English Well"

Viernes 31 mayo 2013,

Valencia 22°C Partlycloudy | 14°C 23°C


You don't have to be Shakespeare to write well in English

How to Write Good English Well

Writing well in English?

16 may 2013

Good English is not something you are born with; good English can only be acquired when you have learnt the hard and fast rules that govern it.

For those of you who occasionally have to write in English, and sense that the recipients of your labours are laughing at you; here are the 21 golden rules:
1 Never use a long word when a diminutive one will do.
Never use similes, and avoid clichés like the plague; they're old hat.
3 Avoid etc, if you have something to add, add it; if not, finish your sentence.
Hash tags & ampersands are ugly; don't use them, even if your Twitter starts to bully you.
Strive to boldly go where no writer has gone before, but split an infinitive at your peril.
Don't use contractions, even those that give a certain realism to dialogue and aren’t intrusive.
Parenthetical notes (however relevant they may seem to be at the time) are intrusive and completely (in the fullest sense of the word) unnecessary.
Never generalize; nobody likes it and nobody has ever said anything interesting in that manner.
Name-dropping is almost as feeble as the use of quotations; wasn’t it indeed Ralph Waldo Emerson himself who averred: "I hate quotations. Tell me what you know!"
10 Don't be redundant; avoid the use of superfluous, unnecessary, otiose, excrescent language. Talent is more than just the ability to open Roget’s Thesaurus at the right page.
11 The passive voice should be avoided at all times, unless you are writing for a newspaper or protecting your sources, whether they exist or not.
12 Rhetorical questions only show weakness and a lack of narrative style. Who needs them?
13 A preposition is positively the last thing you should end a sentence with.
14 In as far as it’s possible, and providing the structure of a scene permits it, always, within reason, get to the point as soon as (and I cannot emphasise this enough) possible.
15 Always acknowledge all authors whose work you have or have not used as inspiration. Derivation is not a crime; after all, no man is an island; not even Ibiza. And avoid alliteration. Start each new point with a new paragraph.
16 Say exactly what you mean; a writer needs analogies like a fish needs a bicycle.
17 Refrain from utilising vocabulary of Latin origin when Germanic alternatives exist.
18 Don’t show off your extensive vocabulary by using words that your readers cannot be expected to know; unless you have shares in a dictionary publishing company. Coxcombry is unattractive in a writer.
19 Keep all aphorisms short and to the point, and never exaggerate, even if the sky should open and the earth split apart at your feet.
20 Whenever you begin a sentence, be clear in your mind, in as far as it doesn’t inhibit your creativity or annul the workings of the muse, who works in mysterious ways and is as unpredictable as she is impossible to pin down, whatever exterior conditions are prevailing at any given moment in time or space.
21 Always leave your readers with a good feeling when they finish what you’ve written; even if death is inevitable.

Monday 27 May 2013


Dear members

At APAVAC we have organised an end of the year gathering for members. We are calling for a Saturday morning event on June 1 at IES Lluís Vives. We will be holding a special mini conference and have asked two of our II Conference speakers to repeat their lectures as they were quite a hit and many of you missed them . They are Michelle Ann Prabhu with ”Tools of the trade of a wandering teacher” and Christa Mundin with “Teaching pronunciation: the “Cinderella” of language teaching”. This time we will take things easy , though and will have more than an hour to go into detail and discuss points of interest.
In between our two speakers we are taking a very long coffee break because we are asking our members to bring their students’ projects and show them to an audience. We are calling that : “ presume de alumnos ” exhibition. You can bring a selection in a USB and project on a screen, show other materials on a desk or anything you consider interesting or are proud of and want to show your colleagues.
There will also be a second edition of our very successful “book flea market“ so you can bring your books and swap them.
We will wrap it up with a "germanor" meal at a nearby restaurant for food, wine and laughs.


1 JUNE 2013

R   E   G   I   S   T   R   A   T   I   O   N

Michelle Ann Prabhu After finishing her degree in English, Michelle went on to work with a multinational company dealing in chemicals for the Oilfield Industry.  Several years down the line, she found herself in Valencia, did CELTA and started to teach English.  She has been teaching the whole range, from Business English right down to Young Learners for the last 12 years.

Tools of the trade of a wandering teacher

The World Wide Web offers the English teacher so much by way of material, both ready-to-use and adaptable.  The best part being that you do not need to be particularly computer-savvy to access it.  I'd like to share some of my favourites
“P R E S U M E   D E   A L U M N O S “     F  A  I  R       D  U  R  I  N  G       C  O  F  F  E  E        B  R  E  A  K   
B  O  O  K     F  L  E  A      M  A  R  K  E  T


Christa Mundin :Teacher trainer and teacher based in Gandia, Valencia with a particular interest in materials development and the teaching of phonology.  My working biography is a tale of two halves: the first half in the commercial world working as a translator and interpreter and the second half in teaching English as a foreign language.   


A confidence-building workshop aimed at teachers which demonstrates techniques and activities for teaching pronunciation & intonation in the classroom.

“G E R M A N O R”  L U N C H



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