Benvinguts al Vostre Blog

Hem pensat que era hora d’unir-nos tots els que ens dediquem a ensenyar ANGLÉS professionalment. L’objectiu és que puguem intercanviar experiències i materials i formar-nos. Volem convertir-nos en un punt de trobada dels professionals de l’anglés i organitzar jornades, xarrades i seminaris. Volem ser la veu dels professionals de l'anglés i col·laborar amb tots els relacionats amb l'anglés i amb l'administració educativa i que se’ns tinga en compte com a interlocutors a l'hora de prendre decisions.

An association to unite us all who teach English professionally has been created. The aim is to share experiences, exchange materials and encourage further training with conferences, lectures and debates and ultimately become the voice of teachers of English and liaise with all those involved and especially with our educational authority.

Sunday 10 February 2013

The ESP group has started

Dear members,
The ESP group has started. We held our first meeting on Jan 31 at IES Federica Montseny in Burjassot. Below you can find the minutes and dates for next meetings.
Just as a reminder you can join the group through our blog by clicking HERE.

31 /01/13
IES Federica Montseny, Burjassot
Los puntos tratados en la reunión del grupo ESP fueron los siguientes:
1. Presentación de los asistentes. Experiencia en ciclos formativos de cada uno, lugares de trabajo y problemas encontrados a la hora de dar clases de lengua extranjera en la formación profesional.
2. Situación actual de los docentes de inglés en la enseñanza de ciclos formativos frente a los especialistas de cada familia que tienen certificado el nivel de idioma exigido para impartir sus clases en inglés.
3. Análisis de los problemas más notorios encontrados en la FP: materiales, clases multinivel, perfil del alumnado, curriculum, inglés específico vs. general…etc.
4. Puesta en común de materiales.
5.Se decide seguir dos líneas de trabajo: Por un lado, trabajar con propuestas que la asociación APAVAC presentará a Consellería relacionadas con mejorar la calidad del inglés en los ciclos y garantizar la presencia de los docentes de inglés en la FP. Por otro, compartir materiales, experiencias, ideas o cualquier información que sea de utilidad para todos aquellos profesores que se encuentran en una situación similar.
6. Calendario de próximas reuniones del grupo ESP: 14 febrero, 7 marzo y 18 abril a las 17:00 en el IES Federica Montseny.
7. La próxima reunión (14 febrero) estará enfocada a compartir materiales, actividades o recursos que los docentes utilizan y hacen los primeros días de clase cuando empiezan en un nuevo ciclo formativo: ideas que ponen el curso en marcha y sirven para conocer al alumnado, introducir la materia y empezar de una manera activa y participativa.

Las Coordinadoras

Seminar on A2 speaking test.

Last Friday 8th February 25 members of APAVAC attended a great seminar on  assessing and testing speaking at A2 level. It was held at IES Luis Vives where LENGUAS VIVAS , which is an official examiner centre of the Cambridge University ESOL Examinations, offered an interesting, surprising and very useful seminar. It was presented by Ximo Espinosa from Lenguas Vivas and  carried out by Richard Dunn  who is at the board of examiners for all the Cambridge examinations.

 INTERESTING to learn about  the method to design the tests which most of us have done and  what items of the speaking were the ones to take into account and which ones were to be discarded. The use of scales to chunk the different aspects of speaking were extremely  USEFUL!!! And finally it was SURPRISING to realise that the test Cambridge University handle,  are far easier than  the ones we are using in our A2 tests......!!!!! Something we all should think about ....

: English in Spain newsletter

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Working with teachers in Spain
February 2013
Online story sharing conference 

Free online conference, 9-10 February

Looking for tools to help your students develop a genuine enjoyment of short stories, readers, novels, poems, graphic novels, drama, jokes and rap?

British Council Turkey is running an online conference with 30 sessions from around the world with exciting and interesting story sharing techniques you can use in your classes. 

Register here.  Rooms are expected to fill quickly!



Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice is 200 years old!

To celebrate this bicentenary we have launched a special section on 
our Teaching English website with lessons plans, articles and a blog all related to Pride and Prejudice. Lots of ideas for your classes, podcasts and a short film coming soon

Building bridges between language and content


Many thanks to the more than 200 teachers who came along to our seminar with Keith Kelly and Phil Ball on Saturday 2nd February at the British Council School. As many of you said, there was a lot to reflect on about how content and language teachers can learn from each other. Here are the links to Phil and Keith's presentations. And for those of you who weren't there, we'll soon have the seminar videos on our Teaching English website.  We'll keep you posted.



APAC and TESOL-Spain Events in Barcelona and Madrid

APAC - The value of English                                                           APAC. Associació de Professors i Professores d'Anglès de Catalunya.
21-23 February
"As educators we need to help our students become caring and
 principled citizens, as teachers of English we need to improve their 
communication skills in a language which has become the world's lingua franca" 
Join the discussion!  Full programme information and registration online here.

15 February

UAB Idiomes, Barcelona 10:00 - 13:30
Practical ideas on using moving images, maps and promoting vocabulary adquisition in seminar.  
International Institute, Miguel Ángel 8, Madrid 17:30 - 20:45
Great workshops on using songs, Integrating Technology in CLIL plus a closing plenary from Mark Hancock

Contact Us
 Want to share a good story about teaching English in Spain?  



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Now APAVAC is on Facebook;  follow us !!

APAC ELT Convention 2013

 Our sister organisation APAC (Associació de 

Professors d'Anglès de Catalunya) are holding their

APAC ELT Convention 2013. Click HERE to see more