Benvinguts al Vostre Blog

Hem pensat que era hora d’unir-nos tots els que ens dediquem a ensenyar ANGLÉS professionalment. L’objectiu és que puguem intercanviar experiències i materials i formar-nos. Volem convertir-nos en un punt de trobada dels professionals de l’anglés i organitzar jornades, xarrades i seminaris. Volem ser la veu dels professionals de l'anglés i col·laborar amb tots els relacionats amb l'anglés i amb l'administració educativa i que se’ns tinga en compte com a interlocutors a l'hora de prendre decisions.

An association to unite us all who teach English professionally has been created. The aim is to share experiences, exchange materials and encourage further training with conferences, lectures and debates and ultimately become the voice of teachers of English and liaise with all those involved and especially with our educational authority.


Bring Valencia International into your classroom. Valencia’s on-line English newspaper has activities for your students. They can publish their work in the newspaper, or learn about Valencian history with an underground map, discover the Beatles and John Lennon, learn what to do in a fire, in the gym, discover why smoking is such a curse or get out of class and discover the Huerta of Alboraya.



2,000 Years on the Valencia Underground.
With only a map of the Valencia Underground students can explore 2,000 years of Valencian history, from the Romans to the present day, using the names of the stations as clues.
The John Lennon Story
The man and his music; the life of the most complex Beatle told using photographs and his most revealing songs.
Beatles Fiesta
Learn about The Beatles through their songs, which are presented with a variety of teaching through song methodologies.
A Wander in the Huerta
A walk around the fields of Alboraya exploring its history and geography. A multi-disciplinary activity with a little bit of everything from Maths to Botany and from Etymology to Natural History.
Saturdays and Weekends in the Country
A single Saturday or a weekend in a country guest house in the village of Beniatjar (Valle de Albaida) for teachers with a negotiable programme of activities (B2 preparation, methodology, conversation) and cultural visits and walks).
Hollywood and History
In collaboration with L’Iber Museum (Calle Caballeros) the world’s largest collection of miniature figures, and Silver Screen Spain; an analysis of historical films contrasted with historical reality to demystify Hollywood. The activity includes a guided tour of the muesum.
Films include: El Cid, The Kingdom of Heaven, Cromwell.
Independent Learning Activities
A wide range of problem-solving activities using maps and tourist information material to learn about the UK.
So Why is there a ‘D’ in Wednesday?
All the secrets of why we say what we say. English etymology made easy for students.
Stop Smoking, Start Breathing
An activity using British Health Service Material to point out the disastrous effects of smoking: (good for teachers too!)
Fire! Fire! What do I do?
An activity using British Fire Brigade material to discover the dos and don’ts of fires. It can be a Physical Education activity too.
For more information contact Bob Yareham
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For more information contact editor Bob Yareham

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