Benvinguts al Vostre Blog

Hem pensat que era hora d’unir-nos tots els que ens dediquem a ensenyar ANGLÉS professionalment. L’objectiu és que puguem intercanviar experiències i materials i formar-nos. Volem convertir-nos en un punt de trobada dels professionals de l’anglés i organitzar jornades, xarrades i seminaris. Volem ser la veu dels professionals de l'anglés i col·laborar amb tots els relacionats amb l'anglés i amb l'administració educativa i que se’ns tinga en compte com a interlocutors a l'hora de prendre decisions.

An association to unite us all who teach English professionally has been created. The aim is to share experiences, exchange materials and encourage further training with conferences, lectures and debates and ultimately become the voice of teachers of English and liaise with all those involved and especially with our educational authority.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

As passed by UVEG>> Jornadas "Las nuevas tecnologías en las filologías y la comunicación"

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Date: 2014-09-20 11:23 GMT+02:00
Subject: Jornadas "Las nuevas tecnologías en las filologías y la comunicación"

Queridos compañeros,
os enviamos la siguiente información que creemos puede ser de vuestro
interés y del de vuestros alumnos para que por favor le déis la máxima
El comite organizador

Estimados colegas:

Nos es grato invitaros a las Jornadas "Las nuevas tecnologías en las
filologías y la comunicación", que se celebrarán en la Facultat de
Traducció i Comunicació de la UVEG los próximos 25 y 26 de septiembre.

La asistencia a las jornadas es gratuita, pero es obligatorio
registrarse para
obtener certificado. Para ello enviad un correo con vuestro nombre
completo a
la dirección
Podéis obtener el programa en el siguiente enlace:

Saludos cordiales,
El Comité Organizador


Thursday, 18 September 2014

FYI: TESOL-SPAIN e-Newsletter September 2014

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Date: 3 September 2014 19:00
Subject: TESOL-SPAIN e-Newsletter September 2014
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September 2014 Issue Number 26


Letter from the Editorial Team

Lavengro Books Publicity

Book Review

Report on 3rd Annual Arenas Teaching Symposium

Teaching Ideas: Swap Shop

Teaching Ideas: Swap Shop

Upcoming Events

27th September

British Council Creative ELT Conferences

Madrid, Bilbao, Valencia, Barcelona

16th-18th October

GRETA Granada
28th Curso Anual "New learners, new needs, … better approaches"

24th-25th October
"Language Testing: Current trends and future needs"
Centro de Lenguas Modernas
Granada University
Registration form

8th November
ACEIA Conference 2014

14th-16th November
TESOL France Annual Colloquium

27 February–01 March 2015


Hyderabad International Convention Centre, India.

Call for papers

Letter from the Editorial Team

Dear TESOL-SPAIN Members,

Welcome back after what we hope has been a great holiday (like me!) - or just as you take a well-earned break after working all summer (like Gerard!).

The speaker presentation form is now available on our website so we look forward to receiving your proposals for next year's convention.

Other dates for your diary include the British Council Teachers' Conferences on 27th September and GRETA's Annual Conference on the 16th October.

This month's e-Newsletter features material from Lavengro Books' new publication, Peter Harvey's Pearls of the English Language - we look forward to hearing your comments. Click here for a sample copy
Another publication you can also read about  Cengage's Key English Test for Schools KET  reviewed by Anita Lutterkort, TESOL-SPAIN Area Coordinator for Castilla La Mancha.
Shawn Redwood has sent us his report on the 3rd Annual Arenas Teaching Symposium, Colegio Arenas Sur in Las Palmas which took place in July. And finally, two more excellent teaching ideas from staff at Ebenen Idiomas, Torrejón de Ardóz - the Post-it Game and a Reported Speech Project.

Are you organising an event or running a course you would like TESOL-SPAIN to know about? Do you have a pet hate, a favourite web or an amusing anecdote to do with language teaching? Send us an article, a teaching tip, a review or an upcoming event and we'll publish it in the e-Newsletter for all our members. Submission Guidelines can be found on our web.

Enjoy getting back to school!
all the best,
Rebecca and Gerard
Editorial Team

Lavengro Books Publicity

There's always a place for a large, detailed reference book that covers everything you might possibly want to know about the English language. But there's a place too for a small book that presents the basic points in a way that is short, simple and easy to remember. That is how Peter Harvey's Pearls of the English Language differs from his A Guide to English Language Usage. Each of its short articles (the longest is 160 words) covers a specific point in a way that is intended to be striking and easy to remember. The book is deliberately made to be small, light and affordable.

How to write dates, when to double consonants, how to use 'have', verb tenses and forms, the use of capital letters, irregular plurals, the English names of chess pieces, 'any-' forms, rise and raise – these and many more tricky points of language usage are presented concisely and accurately.

Pearls of the English Language cannot include all the details and exceptions and it is not intended to do so. What it does, and does well, is give enough facts to jog a memory that can't always remember all the basic information. It would also make an excellent last-minute revision tool before an exam, when basic knowledge has to be crammed into the memory.

The book is published in a traditional paperback edition that is available from booksellers in Spain including, and on all other Amazon sites. There is also an epub format with active hyperlinks for the cross-references. A Kindle version is under consideration but formatting difficulties have to be overcome before this can be made available.

Pearls of the English Language
Publisher: Lavengro Books ~
Author: Peter Harvey
Print: ISBN 978-84-616-8732-9, paperback, 76 pages, 105 x 170 mm, €6.90 in Spain (includes 4% VAT)
Ebook: (epub) ISBN 978-84-616-8918-7, €5.99 in Spain (includes 21% VAT)
Lavengro Books also publishes A Guide to English Language Usage and Great English Mistakes made by Spanish-speakers, both by Peter Harvey.

Book Review

Book Review – Cambridge English Key for Schools
Key English Test for Schools KET
Published by Cengage Learning 2013  ISBN: 978-1-4080-6155-8

This book is part of a series of practice books for preparing KET, PET and FCE.  It contains  eight practice tests which include all the parts of the exam, giving thorough practice in the four skills.
In the introduction there is an overview of the exam, which is very useful for both teachers and students, explaining clearly what the exam consists of, how long each paper is and the type of questions involved.  In addition there are the marking criteria and scores needed to pass, one of the first questions any student has. More

Anita Lutterkort
TESOL-SPAIN Area Coordinator for Castilla La Mancha.

Report on 3rd Annual Arenas Teaching Symposium

3rd Annual Arenas Teaching Symposium
Colegio Arenas Sur in Las Palmas
By Shawn Redwood Area Coordinator Seville

I had the pleasure to be invited, once again, to Colegio Arenas Sur in Las Palmas to participate in the 3rd Annual Arenas Teaching Symposium which was held on June 25, 26 and 27. The purpose of the symposium is to provide teachers, aspiring teachers and even administrators practical seminars about some of the new and exciting trends that are happening in our field. There were about 30 participants and this number helped to create an atmosphere in which participants were able to talk to presenters, ask questions and feel at ease with the topics of the talk given. More

Teaching Ideas: Swap Shop

Reported Speech Song  Project 
Maria – Ebenen Idiomas. Torrejón de Ardóz

Level: Intermediate – Upper Intermediate
Language skills:  listening, reading and speaking
Aims: - To revise and practise reported speech.
           - To highlight how important are songs for the learning of a                       foreign language.
1 First, the T plays the Reported Speech songs project either on the TV or in a computer and tells Ss that those are the lyrics of some well-known songs but they are reported. More

Teaching Ideas: Swap Shop

Pilar – Ebenen Idiomas. Torrejón de Ardóz

Age group: Teenagers
Level: KET
Materials: Post-it notes, dice and blackboard

The teacher writes six topics on the board; we can ask the students to give us a topic they feel confident with to speak about in class.
e.g: Hobbies, School, Friends, Animals, Family, Music.


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FYI<< Past and future visits by Valencia International to Valencian Secondary Schools>>

As passed to us by Bob Yareham at Valencia Internatonal

Information about past and future visits by Valencia International to Valencian Secondary Schools can be found here:

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