Benvinguts al Vostre Blog

Hem pensat que era hora d’unir-nos tots els que ens dediquem a ensenyar ANGLÉS professionalment. L’objectiu és que puguem intercanviar experiències i materials i formar-nos. Volem convertir-nos en un punt de trobada dels professionals de l’anglés i organitzar jornades, xarrades i seminaris. Volem ser la veu dels professionals de l'anglés i col·laborar amb tots els relacionats amb l'anglés i amb l'administració educativa i que se’ns tinga en compte com a interlocutors a l'hora de prendre decisions.

An association to unite us all who teach English professionally has been created. The aim is to share experiences, exchange materials and encourage further training with conferences, lectures and debates and ultimately become the voice of teachers of English and liaise with all those involved and especially with our educational authority.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

song for students

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From: Robert Yareham <>
Date: 17 November 2015 at 14:25
Subject: song for students

Valencia based American teacher, writer and musician Ree Gillet has asked us to share a song for you and your younger students:

Ree Gillett’s Song for Teachers


Monday, 7 December 2015

From Bob Yareham: Christmas present ideas

If you worry every year about what presents to buy your Friends and family; don't worry anymore!
Buy one of these wonderful books, written in English in Valencia. Delivered to your door anywhere in the city of Valencia.
Informative, fun and fulfilling; make somebody happy with a unique gift.
Here's what the critics said:
'English Beauty' (10€)
         It is not often that a book comes along that not only changes your life but which also makes you laugh. This isn't such a book, but it's also worth buying. It is a series of amusing articles about the etymology of English; everything you wanted to know about English but fell asleep in class.
         For those who enjoy English, or for the vast majority who accept its importance, this is the book for you. English need no longer be a mystery; it can become a conundrum instead.
A Set Jetters' Guide to Spain (20€):
In which small village in Guadalajara did Katherine Hepburn spend a summer making a film in Spain?
Where did Steven Spielberg build his prisoner of war camp in Spain for 'Empire of the Sun'?
Which famous British actor tried to steal some jewels from the Spanish royal family's summer palace in Majorca in 1969?
Which Spanish city has a cinema called 'Lara' because 'Doctor Zhivago' was made there?
Discover the answers to these questions, and to many, many more.
Cinema tourism (set-jetting) is an undeniable fact; you only need to ask the delighted authorities of New Zealand, where they are still reaping the benefits of visitors attracted by the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.
Hundreds of villages and towns were transformed in the 50s, 60s and 70s in Spain when Hollywood arrived and changed their lives.
In this guide there are 101 films and their locations, and it is hoped that readers will visit these places and share the knowledge that Spain is a lot more than sun, sand and sangria; although that's all pretty good stuff too.

Review: Etta and Otto and Russell and James

Hiya All!
I have this list of things I'd like to do if and when I finally stop tearing around.  Well, let's see...I'd like to start exercising, polish up my Spanish, learn Arabic or some other equally challenging language, learn a wind instrument and join a band.

Etta had her wish list too and top of her list was her wish to see the sea or as she called it : the water. Emma Hooper's debut novel "Etta and Otto and Russell and James"  intrigues us into accompanying Etta across the vast Canadian Praire. She ignores us though as does James her faithful companion.   Does James the coyote really exist?  Is he a figment of her imagination, is he a personification of someone from her past.  James is just one of the many enigmas that surface through the novel.  Why didn't Otto follow her? Why didn't Russell stop her? She was old, she had a failing memory, how could they allow her to walk on towards the horizon and the sea beyond???

It's instances like this when you feel Emma Hooper's narrative swing between the real and the make-believe so smoothly that you ride it comfortably.  You feel the wide expanse of the vast grasslands and you see and accept its emptiness.  The appearance of the occasional town you tolerate, after all it's where Etta meets reality, if only briefly so.

We go back in time, back to the early-mid 1900s. To the days of mixed level/age classrooms, letters, censored letters between Otto and Etta that took months in reaching, the war.  A book filled with beautiful, sensitive depictions of life.  One that leaves the reader free to choose which bits are real and which are make believe, whether the book is laced with symbolism or not. A book that allows you to reach your own conclusions.  Believe me, you'll enjoy the book, regardless of  the option you choose!

We meet on the 27th of November, 1900hrs at Luis Vives to talk about our next book "Can't we talk about something more pleasant?" by Roz Chast.

Our bIook for January is "The God of Small Things" by Arundhati Roy.

See you on the 27th of November and until then...
Take care


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Fwd: New Christmas activities, free Shakespeare perfomances and awards for students

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From: British Council Spain <>
Date: 3 December 2015 at 17:36
Subject: New Christmas activities, free Shakespeare perfomances and awards for students

Language Assistant opportunities in the UK and Spain too!
Teaching English in Spain
December news.

Hi Everyone, 

You can  love Christmas or hate it but there is just no escaping it, so this month take a look at our selection of Christmas activities with a twist on TeachingEnglish. Looking further ahead we have new CLIL Essentials starting in January, IELTS study awards up for grabs and free Shakespeare performances for schools in April.  If you know anyone who might be interested in the Language Assistant Programmes for Spain or the UK share the information below.
All the best!


Christmas activities for classes!  
Our Teaching English site has loads of ideas for innovative and fun activities for classes of all levels. Here is a great one from Steve Muir about using Christmas adverts in class. Our Shakespeare tree competition is also ideal for this festive time of year.
More news...
Golem.  1927 Theatre Company return to Teatros Canal.  
9 to 12 December. 
Following the huge success of "The Animals and Children Took to the Streets" in the 2013 edition of the "Otoño a Primavera" festival, the renowned theatre company 1927 returns to Madrid with the support of the British Council to present its latest production "Golem".
Watch the trailer here and further information here.     

Royal Opera House performances in cinemas calendar.  

This month do not miss Cavalleria Rusica/Pagliacci on 10 December and El Cascanueces on 16 December.   If you want to try your luck at winning some free tickets then remember to take part in our Facebook giveaway.   You can see the full calendar of performances here.  
Global Study Awards. 
15 January to 30 June.
The second round of applications for a global study award open soon!  Up to five awards will be available for students starting their studies abroad before 30 September 2016.  You can win up to £10,000 towards tuition fees and living expenses.  Good luck to all applicants!  Find out more here
Shakespeare festival:  free performances for schools in Madrid.  
19 to 22 April 2016.  British Council School.
Schools in Madrid are invited to special performances by Young Shakespeare Company.   The shows are suitable for pupils from 4º Primaria to 3º ESO .  If you are interested in booking free places for your school please contact Silvia Prado.  
9 key factors in student happiness.
Free British Council publication.
Eliminating the fear of failure and a positive relationship between family and school are just two of the factors which Claudia Xibixell, School Counsellor, British Council School identifies in her latest publication.  Find out seven more in Claudia's  free guide here.     
FiveFilms4freedom 2016.
Call for submissions.  
The 2015 edition of our LGBT global online film festival inspired millions around the world to join us to say that love is a human right.  We are now looking for five films which will become the 2016 FiveFilms4freedom.  If you want your short to be considered find out more here
Contact us!
Have you got a good news English story to share?  We would love to hear from you.  

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©2015 British Council
The United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland).  Registered in Spain as an overseas foundation of the British Council.
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