Benvinguts al Vostre Blog

Hem pensat que era hora d’unir-nos tots els que ens dediquem a ensenyar ANGLÉS professionalment. L’objectiu és que puguem intercanviar experiències i materials i formar-nos. Volem convertir-nos en un punt de trobada dels professionals de l’anglés i organitzar jornades, xarrades i seminaris. Volem ser la veu dels professionals de l'anglés i col·laborar amb tots els relacionats amb l'anglés i amb l'administració educativa i que se’ns tinga en compte com a interlocutors a l'hora de prendre decisions.

An association to unite us all who teach English professionally has been created. The aim is to share experiences, exchange materials and encourage further training with conferences, lectures and debates and ultimately become the voice of teachers of English and liaise with all those involved and especially with our educational authority.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Latest APAVAC Castelló Teaching Exchange

APAVAC Castelló English Teaching Exchange - January meeting

Local members and some welcome new faces got together earlier this month for the third meeting of the APAVAC English Teaching Exchange.
This time the session was a chance to test out and discuss the merits of a variety of ´warmer´ activities, in the picture below attendees are trying to communicate how to piece together a jigsaw text……..IN SILENCE. The session was a continuation of the look at Communicative Teaching started in the previous meeting in November 2015. A special thanks to Xilxes member Nuria Segarra for volunteering to share her experience and ideas.


The second part of the session was led by member Nuria Saez (pictured) from La Vall. Nuria gave those present a crash course in using a very powerful collaborative learning platform called Padlet and took us through the process of registering and setting up to use it with our learners. Attendees were then asked to contribute ideas as to how they might use the tool within their own teaching context.

The English Teaching Exchange is a forum for English teaching professionals in any sector to put their heads together and share ideas, materials, information and get inspired.
A fourth session is planned to take place at the end in April 2016. APAVAC would welcome those interested in attending or helping to organise to get in touch at


Thanks once again to Colegio Consolacion for allowing us to hold the event

on their premises.

Thanks also to Teresa Agost, Bea Ferran and Daisy Whitten for their

valuable support and contributions.

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