Benvinguts al Vostre Blog

Hem pensat que era hora d’unir-nos tots els que ens dediquem a ensenyar ANGLÉS professionalment. L’objectiu és que puguem intercanviar experiències i materials i formar-nos. Volem convertir-nos en un punt de trobada dels professionals de l’anglés i organitzar jornades, xarrades i seminaris. Volem ser la veu dels professionals de l'anglés i col·laborar amb tots els relacionats amb l'anglés i amb l'administració educativa i que se’ns tinga en compte com a interlocutors a l'hora de prendre decisions.

An association to unite us all who teach English professionally has been created. The aim is to share experiences, exchange materials and encourage further training with conferences, lectures and debates and ultimately become the voice of teachers of English and liaise with all those involved and especially with our educational authority.

Tuesday 30 May 2017



High quality, personalized classes in Gandia with a group maximum of 6 "opositores".

I am a native English speaker, resident in Gandia for the last 16 years and with 20+ years' teaching experience.  I have a Master's in Teaching English as a Foreign Language and for the last 10 years, I have specialised in teacher training, delivering courses accredited by Trinity College London and for Conselleria and APAVAC.
I am also a fluent Spanish speaker with a qualification to teach Spanish as a foreign language (ELE).  More recently, I have been using all this experience to help students prepare well-written "Topics" and use innovative and original material for their PD in preparation for oposiciones for secondary school teachers of English.  To date, this has been on a one-to-one basis but from September, I am able to offer this course to a small group.
I offer correction and feedback on your written Topic drafts and "simulacros" for both the Topic presentation and the "defensa" of PD Units. 
Opositores will also receive pronunciation coaching and help with phonology issues, all designed  to build  confidence for "public speaking" in front of the tribunal.
The course will have a very well-structured timetable to ensure that all aspects of preparation are covered, giving you the best possible chance of success.
Classes will begin in Gandia (in a classroom setting) in late September.  There will be 2 x 3hr evening classes per week  (18:00 – 21:00) with the possibility of ONE of these sessions being via Skype – depending on the needs of the group.
There is no charge for "registration" or "apuntes" and the monthly cost is 200 Euros.
Existing and ex-pupils of mine have been kind enough to post "valoraciones" on the website  So, if you would like to read these references, you will find them under my name: Christa Erika Mundin.
If the above is of any interest to you and you would like to have a chat about the possibility of signing up, please call me on 650 22 30 21.  

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