Benvinguts al Vostre Blog

Hem pensat que era hora d’unir-nos tots els que ens dediquem a ensenyar ANGLÉS professionalment. L’objectiu és que puguem intercanviar experiències i materials i formar-nos. Volem convertir-nos en un punt de trobada dels professionals de l’anglés i organitzar jornades, xarrades i seminaris. Volem ser la veu dels professionals de l'anglés i col·laborar amb tots els relacionats amb l'anglés i amb l'administració educativa i que se’ns tinga en compte com a interlocutors a l'hora de prendre decisions.

An association to unite us all who teach English professionally has been created. The aim is to share experiences, exchange materials and encourage further training with conferences, lectures and debates and ultimately become the voice of teachers of English and liaise with all those involved and especially with our educational authority.

Sunday 10 November 2013

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November 2013 Issue Number 17


Letter from the Editorial Team

Featured Article

Featured Article

Report on British Council Event in Madrid

Report on British Council Event in Bilbao

Report on British Council Event in Barcelona

MOOC Course

Upcoming Events


9th November
1st Alava TESOL-SPAIN Regional Teacher Development Event
"Creativity in the Classroom"
NClic School, Paseo de las universidades, 15
Register here

Our AC in Galicia, Brandon Morgan, is organising a talk in Santiago de Compostela.
"Todo esto me suena a chino"
Friday, November 29, 2012. 11:30 - 13:00.
OELS Official English Language School. Rúa do Hórreo 7, 1º.
15703 Santiago de Compostela
The talk will be about making content comprehensible for learners in the bilingual classroom.

Other Events

9th November
ACEIA conference 2013
More information

14th-16th November
TEA is 30!
Las Palmas, Gran Canaria

22nd-24th November
TESOL France
32nd Annual Colloquium
More information

Letter from the Editorial Team

Dear Members,
Welcome to the November issue of our e-newsletter. We hope you have had fun with students celebrating Halloween and Bonfire Night.

In this month's issue you can find two articles: an interesting and practical look at teaching literature using technology andhow to help students learn vocabulary. Well worth reading more on both of these.

The British Council organised another Teachers' Day in September, and we were well represented in Madrid, Bilbao and Barcelona. Take a look at the reports from each of the events.
We have also included information on a new online course to help you develop different teaching skills.

The 2014 Convention in Madrid is under way with lots of preparations and behind the scenes work. Our speakers' coordinators are happy with the proposals that have been coming in. We are pleased to let you know that we have extended the deadline for proposals until November 11th.

And finally some information about our regional coordinators, who are doing great work to help local members:

Our AC in Álava, Henri Castleberry, would like to remind you:
9th November
1st Alava TESOL-SPAIN Regional Teacher Development Event
"Creativity in the Classroom"
NClic School, Paseo de las Universidades, 15

Our AC in Galicia, Brandon Morgan, is organising a talk in Santiago de Compostela.
"Todo esto me suena a chino"
Friday, November 29, 2012.
11:30 - 13:00.
OELS Official English Language School. Rúa do Hórreo 7, 1º.
15703 Santiago de Compostela
The talk will be about making content comprehensible for learners in the bilingual classroom.

Gerard Mcloughlin & Rebecca Place
Editorial Team

Featured Article

Susana Montero Méndez & María Fernández Agüero

This paper presents a practical approach to the teaching of literature in a blended-learning environment for students training to become English as second language (ESL) teachers. We shall provide examples of how prospective language teachers can be encouraged to use different virtual resources such as blogs and forums, with the aim of approaching the world of literature and culture of second language (L2) communities whilst developing their communicative competence in the L2. We also suggest a two-fold kind of assessment for literature-based courses: we will put forward feasible ideas to test both literature and language competence. More

Featured Article

How can we Help Students Learn the Vocabulary That they are Taught in the class.
Nathan Matthews

It would be fantastic if students could use all the vocabulary that we taught them. This paper attempts to explore ways in which we can encourage our students to systematically and effectively record their vocabulary that we have taught them in class. Then we ask how we can help learners to transfer this record into their long-term memories so that each item is added to the repertoire of words and phrases that they can understand and, when necessary, use. There will be a description of a system of keeping a class record of vocabulary and ideas for activating this. More

Report on British Council Event in Madrid

British Council Event "Motivating Teachers"
MªAntonia Castro & Silvia Benitez

2014 Convention co-ordinators 

Very early in the morning, loaded with posters, information leaflets and full of enthusiasm our Convention Coordinators, MªAntonia and Silvia, together with our Area Coordinator, Kate, and our Vice President, Birgit, prepared the stand where they were going to give out information about TESOL-SPAIN as well as about next year's Convention in Madrid. More

Report on British Council Event in Bilbao

British Council Event, Bilbao
Alex Tregenza, Area Coordinator, Vizcaya

The day dawned sunny and bright for the 7th Annual Conference in Bilbao, as always preparations had been going on for several months, but this year we had the extra excitment of would the refurbishments of the BC premises be finished in time ! Yes, just!! The centre looked great and many of our regular attendees commented on our"new look". The sessions started at 10am but at 9am we had people waiting to register and then sitting outside rooms to make sure they could attend the sessions they had ear marked on their timetables, there was a tremendous buzz in the centre all day, people greeting each other, others debating what sessions to attend,others telling friends what they had attended. More

Report on British Council Event in Barcelona

British Council Event, Barcelona
Gerard McLoughlin, Online Resources Officer and Webmaster

It was a beautiful sunny and what could be better for a great occasion for teachers to get together and learn and share ideas. There was a buzz from the first moment as teachers arrived and signed up for a good variety of sessions. There were approx. 120 teachers attending a total of 24 sessions over the morning. It was great to see some regular faces and some new ones. Photo was kindly given by the British Council © British Council. More

MOOC Course

ELT Techniques (ELT-T) is the first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) dedicated to the professional development of English language teachers worldwide.

Our NEXT COURSE runs from November 18 to December 13, 2013.
THEME: Listening and Pronunciation
Enroll for FREE at ANY TIME with this link:

ELT-T consists of virtual classes, collaborative work by participants, and social engagement around content. It is designed for anyone teaching children or adults, in large or small groups, and in public or private schools. It is also appropriate for teachers-in-training.

Whether you are working part-time, full-time, or not at all, you'll find that ELT-T easily suits your schedule. You do NOT need to have special knowledge of technology to participate in this course.

ELT-T is overseen by Jason R Levine (Fluency MC) with the help of Sylvia Guinan, Dr. Nellie Deutsch, and a team of passionate English teacher facilitators from around the world.

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ISSN 2255-0356

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