Benvinguts al Vostre Blog

Hem pensat que era hora d’unir-nos tots els que ens dediquem a ensenyar ANGLÉS professionalment. L’objectiu és que puguem intercanviar experiències i materials i formar-nos. Volem convertir-nos en un punt de trobada dels professionals de l’anglés i organitzar jornades, xarrades i seminaris. Volem ser la veu dels professionals de l'anglés i col·laborar amb tots els relacionats amb l'anglés i amb l'administració educativa i que se’ns tinga en compte com a interlocutors a l'hora de prendre decisions.

An association to unite us all who teach English professionally has been created. The aim is to share experiences, exchange materials and encourage further training with conferences, lectures and debates and ultimately become the voice of teachers of English and liaise with all those involved and especially with our educational authority.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Fwd: English in Spain newsletter

Working with teachers in Spain
October 2013

Hi Everyone

First of all, a huge thank you to all who came to our "Motivating Learning" conferences in Barcelona, Bilbao. Madrid & Valencia. It was great to see so much enthusiasm and share so many great ideas on a Saturday morning! If you missed the conferences you can get a taste of the events here with  sessions from Carol Read, Samantha Lewis and John Liddy  ...  amongst others. (And good luck to  GRETA with their convention later this month too!)

Hope you treated yourself a little on  "World Teachers Day" last Saturday! .    

Mark and the English team   

APAC Call for speakers "English in Action 24/7"
Deadline 30 September 2013

In the world of PLEs, MOOCs, connectivity, networking and lifelong learning what is the role of the teacher?  Do we still have one? These are some of the big questions that APAC will tackle at their convention this year.  If you want to give a session then check out APAC's call for papers 2014 here 

Registration is open too.  Save the 20, 21 and 22 of February now!


Edu Fair 2013  logo
British Education Fairs. Register for information sessions. 
Madrid 23, 24 October. Hotel Eurobuilding.
Barcelona 25 October. 
Hotel Constanza.
Last month we opened registration and shared our impressive list of UK institutions who are taking part in this year's Fair.  We're now delighted to let you know all about our information sessions. IThe sessions are an ideal way for you and your students to find out more about UCAS applications, English levels and accreditation and generally gaining a better insight into studying in the UK.  There really is something for everyone!  Find out more about the Madrid information sessions here and the Barcelona information sessions here.  
Full information about our Education Fairs in Spain here.
Register for the Madrid fair here.
Register for the Barcelona fair here.

Let's Clan in the Classroom! 

If you teach 3-6 year olds then you are going to love our Teacher's Guide to using   TVE's Let's Clan programmes with your young learners.  The guide, written by Suzanne Anderson from our Somosaguas Teaching Centre, is full of ideas on how to make the most of childrens' favourite series in the classroom. Download a printable version here.
ELTons 2014
Deadline for applications 22 November   

Now is the time to get applications in for the 2014 ELTon awards celebrating innovation and excellence in ELT. There is plenty of this going on right here in Spain, so why not put yourself forward?  Full information, guidance and application forms for 2014 awards here. 

Meet the 2013 ELTon winners here.
ALTE training in Barcelona
November 2013

ALTE is organising a series of training events to which affiliates, members and non-members are welcome to attend.  So whether you are interested in getting started in language assessment or want to hear what policy is and practice is in language assessment to support migration and integration then there is something on offer for you.  See the full calendar of ALTE events in Barcelona here.  


Contact Us

Want to share a good story about teaching English in Spain?  
Contact us at 
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